Knock Out
TitelKnock Out
Produktions år1999
RegissörAgneta Fagerström-Olsson
ManusförfattarePeter Birro, Agneta Fagerström-Olsson
FotografJohn O Olsson
ProducentJohn O Olsson
Kort synopsis
“Plutten” is a former European champion in boxing who tours in northern Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia as a country musician with his manager “Råttan”. “Plutten’s” big problem is handling the fact that his career is finished and that he has got to start on something completely new.
Örjan Landström, Reine Brynolfsson, Igor Chernevich, Ludmila Varfolomeyeva, Kirill Ulyanov, Alexey Shulin, Mikhail Wasserbaum...ProduktionsbolagGiraff Film AB
SamproducentPer-Erik Svensson
SamproduktionsbolagFilmpool Nord AB, Svensk Filmindustri, SF Norge A/S,Nordisk Film- och TV-fond, Sveriges Television Drama, Svenska Filminstitutet
DistributörSvensk Filmindustri (SF)
KommunerGällivare, Luleå
Lokalt team
Lena Winther