Vägra Dö Slö
TitelVägra Dö Slö
Engelsk titelSlippery Sap Trap
Produktions år2011
RegissörAnna Azcarate
ManusförfattareTromsø Int. Film Festival 2012; Nominated to The Tromsø Palm
FotografAnders Bohman
ProducentSusanne Karlsson
Kort synopsis
It’s Saturday. Vera and Bitten are sitting in their car, looking at people shopping. They stare at the others, on those who “have”. A young man with heavy bags is offered a ride.
Viveka Rausti, Sara ArniaProduktionsbolagSwedish Lapland Production & Location Service
SamproducentSirel Peensaar
SamproduktionsbolagFilmpool Nord